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Notables En Triangulo

Notable Lines in a Triangle


In a triangle, notable lines or segments can be drawn that possess specific properties. These notable elements provide valuable insights into the geometry of the triangle.

Notable Lines and Points

Key notable lines and points in a triangle include:

  • Medians: Lines that connect a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.
  • Altitudes: Lines that are perpendicular to a side and pass through the opposite vertex.
  • Bisectors: Lines that divide an angle into two congruent angles.
  • Centroid: The point where the three medians intersect.
  • Circumcenter: The center of the circle that passes through the three vertices.
  • Incenter: The center of the circle that is tangent to all three sides.
  • Orthocenter: The point where the three altitudes intersect.

Properties of Notable Lines

Notable lines in a triangle exhibit unique properties:

  • Medians: Divide the triangle into two congruent triangles and intersect at the centroid.
  • Altitudes: Are perpendicular to the sides they intersect and meet at the orthocenter.
  • Bisectors: Divide angles into two equal parts and meet at the incenter.
  • Centroid: Divides the medians in a 2:1 ratio and is the center of gravity of the triangle.
  • Circumcenter: Is equidistant from all three vertices and lies on the perpendicular bisector of any side.
  • Incenter: Is equidistant from all three sides and lies within the triangle.
  • Orthocenter: Is often outside the triangle and can coincide with the centroid or circumcenter in certain cases.


Notable lines in a triangle are essential for solving geometry problems and understanding the relationships between various points and sides. They are widely used in areas such as:

  • Finding the area and perimeter of a triangle.
  • Determining the location of the centroid, circumcenter, incenter, and orthocenter.
  • Classifying triangles based on their properties.
  • Solving angle and side relationships in triangles.


Notable lines in a triangle are indispensable geometric elements that reveal valuable insights into the shape and properties of the triangle. Understanding their properties and applications allows for effective problem-solving and a deeper comprehension of triangle geometry.
